I think the most valuable thing I found when there was being able to speak to admin staff about funding/bursary options. I knew I would need to contact the bursary/finance teams for more exact details but getting a good overview did put my mind at rest, as after years of working on a full-time wage I was wary about whether I would have enough to live off or whether I would need to take up a part-time job whilst studying (fortunately I am getting away with not having to, but it depends on your situation/lifestyle etc).
I know a lot of students who did not attend any open day prior to applying for the course, but feel they may have been able to gain more of an understanding about what to expect from the course. If you end up going-let me know what you think. Do you think it helped?
On a sadder note (but I feel worth bringing up) I had a death in the family last weekend of a close relative. We were aware he was ill from before Christmas so at that point I decided to work on my essay over Christmas and submit three weeks before the submission date. Over the three years other students have had similar situations where things happen-either family illness or personal illness maybe, and the last thing you want is the stress of an essay that is due in within the next week. As previously mentioned, some students thrive on pressure to complete their written work well and do work better by leaving things to the last week or two but my belief is if you can get it done early, do it. You never know what is around the corner and sometimes the last thing you need is uni work.
Right, well that's me for the day. See you next week!
Em x