How was your New Years eve? Mine was the usual 'try to stay awake until midnight but failing miserably' routine. I think I gave up somewhere between early twenties and being in relationships!

I don't usually attempt to make any new years resolutions, but after a heavy two weeks of snacking and general over-eating, I'm attempting the '5/2' diet. A few people I have known have found success with it, and it basically involves five days of normal eating with two low calorie days of 500calories. I am currently on the low calorie day and I am officially bored of water!
I'm trying to be organised and have just submitted an essay that is due in just under three weeks. For anyone new to the whole online essay submission, each piece goes from an electronic system called 'Turnitin', designed to be an anti-plagiarism thing to identify use of references and your own work. Simply put-it now means that in most cases we can submit all of our written work this way and do not have to go to the university to do so (trust me-it will feel beneficial if it means having to travel to the campus on a day off to do so!) I'm trying to work in the frame of mind that if I submit work prior to starting the next 12week study block I can then focus on the upcoming exam, OSCE and degree project presentation as I am quite poor at juggling a number of items of work at the same time!

Well, I only have two days in next week (four the next) so will post next weekend to let you know how it went. Until then, stay warm!
Em x
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