Friday, 28 February 2014

What a week!

Hi people! :)

How are things your end? Any news?

I have not been into university since last week on Thursday as am currently on study leave. A number of students have already had their OSCE assessment on Tuesday just gone with mine coming up next Tuesday. Have managed to write up all of my notes including the order of the assessment, and over the next few days will be swatting up on my drugs knowledge and conditions that may come up in the exam. Arghh!

In other news, I was away in Somerset Monday-Wednesday this week for the recruitment day I had previously mentioned here. I made sure I had my portfolio with me (just in case), and notes around the Trust as potential conversation starters. Despite the advert on NHS Jobs stating it was a recruitment day to meet potential employers etc, I arrived only to find that the day had changed and it was now for those due to qualify who had filled out an application previously and been shortlisted. I don't quite know how I managed it, but I explained the situation and was told that I would be able to join in with the group assessments but the likelihood of an interview that afternoon may not be possible.

I snuck onto a table with around eleven other candidates. At each corner was an assessor making notes on each of us. We were asked to reflect on a variety of photographs a stories of varied individuals who we may come into contact with. Following this, I was able to complete a very speedy application form on the short break, along with ringing my partner who was still sat in the carpark assuming I would only be an hour maximum!

After a question and answer session with various members of the Trust, we broke for lunch and were told interview times were available at the desk. I went over to check just in case they were able to squeeze me in and yes, an interview time was set!

I must mention at this point I was a combination of both anxiety and elation.Happy as I would be able to attend the interview there and then without trying to juggle time out of placement to get down there again for another day, but rather nervous due to the fact I had not prepared as I usually would. If I had known in advance I would be interviewed, I would have run through some previous placement scenarios that I could use in response to interview questions such as, 'name a time when...'. I also would have dressed differently! I was in a tidy dress with heels, but I had set aside money to invest in a good interview outfit, but too late now!

I was interviewed by two members of the Trust. Afterwards I reflected on the interview; I had answered all of the questions and felt that I had built a good rapport with both interviewers. There was no more I could do but wait, but I had this Trust down as my number one choice for location to where I would be living and opportunities.

On the Wednesday I waved goodbye to my partner at the station and started my 4hr train journey home. As I sat myself down on the second train, my phone lit up, ringing with a private number. As I answered, the train conductor pointed to a sign that I was in a quiet cabin and mobile phones were not to be used. Nooo! As the lady on the phone introduced herself, I explained that unfortunately I would be unable to talk due to being on the train and could I call her back. I felt embarrassed for the situation. Instead, she said I could listen and she could do the talking, followed by informing me that they had been very impressed with me and would like to offer me a job!

Sorry, but my reaction (in my head of course) was Arrrghhhh!!!!

I quickly jotted her number down to discuss the offer further when I was home. I messaged my partner who was equally Arrrggghhh (meant our 2 1/2 yrs of counting down to potentially moving in together and life by the seaside could actually happen!) and sat grinning to myself.

I phoned the lady back yesterday morning and due to the Trust recruiting a number of potential candidates was asked to let her know my areas of interest in terms of work and locations I find preferable to commute to. For now though, I am quite content knowing that my offer of employment is in the post, and that in 7months I will be working...somewhere.

In terms of other students in my class-some have started applying for various roles, and some are waiting for the Bedfordshire open day next month to see what is on offer. If it weren't for my partner, I would most likely stay in this area as the hospital I have placements is lovely with various opportunities popping up, it's just a shame it isn't in the right location! I will most likely still attend the careers open day as the university will be holding preparation sessions on what to expect as a newly-qualified nurse and various other talks which I think will be beneficial.

For now though, a weight has been lifted. I now need to keep my head down and get through the next four and a bit months of assessments and placement and get my qualification to release me into the world of nursing!

Very happy me at the moment :) 

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Another week closer to 'farewell university'

Evening All!

First of all, I just want to explain that just because I seem to be forever working towards a countdown (for example; my title to this post) I can assure you that this isn't a reflection on the university! This last week has been an 'almost' goodbye to attending university, as apart from one lecture in mid/late March and going in for exams and assessments throughout March, I will no longer be spending any time with my cohort (class). 

After our Spring leave I will be going straight into my 13week management placement followed by Summer leave, a bit of paperwork then out to the world of work! Looking back I found the first year quite slow to get in to as I had not been in a place of education since I was 18 (I started the course 8yrs after this!), so the idea of sitting in lectures and learning to observe and learn was a gradual process for me! In the second year I started to get my head around university and the idea of being a nurse and then wham! Year three sneaks in and you start to realise that in no time at all you will be a registered nurse looking after your own set of patients and you will be the example students look to to learn the profession.

The past week at university has actually felt a bit different to me personally. The cohort were in as usual but the impending job hunting/exams/no more uni/final placement seem to have put people in a reflective mood. On Monday we found out where our final placements would be (very happy as I got my requested gynaecology!), and yesterday found out our grade for the essay submitted in January (happy again-A-). Tomorrow I will be hopping on a train (4 to be precise) to travel to my partner's house in Somerset in preparation for my open day also in that county. I have given my CV a good polish (on the most expensive paper I could find just on the off chance they would like to have a copy!) and have jotted down some potential interview questions as you never know what could happen! I know it is only an open day but my friend attended one in another Trust the other day and was offered an interview on the same day, so it may be worth turning up with my portfolio up to date and dressed appropriately! As one of my lectures explained to us, 'Fail to prepare means you prepare to fail'.

Once I get back from Somerset I will be giving you a quick update and then back to exam preparation, with the first being my practical OSCE a week on Tuesday based on a deteriorating patient. Wish me luck!

Well that is all from me I'm afraid, but hope everything is good in the world of applications, open days and interviews? Not forgetting the wait to find out of course! I noticed more interviews going on last Thursday, amazing how quiet the learning resource area can be during this time!

Will catch up soon! :)

Em x

P.s. on a last final random note, I mentioned the other day I was going for a photo shoot. I decided after years of my mother telling me to stop hiding from the camera and get at least one proper photo taken of myself while I am in my 20's, so I bit the bullet and I went on a 50's makeover fashion shoot. I'm still awaiting the official pics but here is a taster :) 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Why Hello There!

Hello to anyone reading :)

Well this week has been a bit busy, how has it been your end?

I have had a week of university, photoshoot, funeral and am now currently at a Heathrow hotel working at an auction for the day...every penny helps!

We worked out the other day that my class has officially three more days of lectures left...EVER! I find myself living in countdowns! After the lectures we have four weeks of study leave and time for a written exam, and practical assessment (OSCE) and a 20minute presentation. Trying to break it down into chunks to try to avoid panic mode. I also have just over a week until a recruitment day to attend so really need to start doing a bit of research into the trust's visions and expectations.

With any work we submit we receive both feedback and grade. The way it works now is that within 15working days after submission we receive online feedback and then 20working days after submission the grade to try to encourage students to read the feedback thoroughly, digest and learn from both positive and constructive comments. We received our first feedback of year three yesterday for an essay submitted last month and you really do work at a higher level in your final degree year! All I can suggest is that if you are given information at the start of Year three advising how to write at a higher more academic level, read it! I felt quietly confident of this essay and it appears my content is good but my paragraph spacing and overuse of 'direct quotes' needs to be addressed, so at least my writing was on the right track, I just need to up my game with presentation and interpretation of quotes. There did seem to be a bit of tension in the class as other students reflected on their feedback, as you try to work out whether it is positive or negative, trying to estimate what grade you will get the following week. We are also asked to self grade our work before submission, so when a lecturer comments that you have not been generous enough or have over-graded we make a mad panic to refresh our minds of what we awarded ourselves!

A few students in the class have already started attending open days and interviews with one I know being offered a job. I am so used to applying for work a month or two before starting, but here you basically are encouraged to start up to seven or eight months beforehand! We are motivated to get good grades but there is a nice satisfying feeling that the majority of us will be offered a job before the grades have all come back, and are happy to have us as long as we qualify. So make sure you present well at interview as an amazingly caring and compassionate nurse! Personality seems to be a big part of it.

Right, I should get back to bidding, will see you next week (hopefully prepared for the open day!) Am still hoping to pop up a video after the day just to reflect on how it was and what was involved to give you a heads up :)

Em x

Sunday, 9 February 2014

The week gone by....

Hi All!

I hope your week's have all gone well and are enjoying the weekend!

The past week I'm afraid has been rather predictable. I attended university a few days and spent two days helping my family out. On  Friday and today I have been determined to focus on my degree project presentation so plenty of reading, highlighting and playing with Powerpoint. Yesterday I went up to Warwickshire to visit my sister so today has been my punishment for leaving the house :)

I assumed that I had the whole of February to sort the presentation out along with OSCE and exam revision, but the actual number of spare study days are slowly seeping away from me! I have written off tomorrow as need to drive 2hrs and back to collect a cake for a funeral, I then have uni on Tuesday, a photo shoot on Wednesday (long story) and a funeral on Thursday with university Friday and work in London on Saturday. That leaves Sunday to get back to the presentation!

I'm keen to know when this blog address is rolled out to those applying, so if you are now reading it I would love to know how your experience has been so far with applying and interviews? If you have any questions that you think I may be able to help with, please ask and I will try to assist!

Well, I hope to have a bit more to say next week, and am planning to pop a video blog up at the end of the month after I attend the careers open day to let you know how it went and what one day you will all be going through!

Em x

Sunday, 2 February 2014

8 week countdown!!!

Evening everyone :)

Have had to make a mad dash for the laptop this evening as time has run away from me and I realised that I have yet to post this week!

Well as the title suggests, I have just 8weeks left of theory EVER before my 2weeks Spring leave followed by 13week final placement at the hospital then that is it! I had assumed that this theory block would drag before anything exciting started to happen, but it does feel all go. Throughout March, I have an OSCE, a written exam and a 20minute presentation to prepare for. With all of the going on's in my personal life at the moment I must admit that I have put uni work aside for the past few weeks, but I am determined to spend at least two study days this coming week locked away working on my presentation-must stay focussed!

I guess the extra pressure of time has snuck up particularly this week after we were visited by a previous student who was one year ahead of our group. He was invited in to answer questions we had with regards to the transition from student nurse to qualified. This was really an eye opener! I had set in my head that I should start applying for jobs around May time (4months before wanting to start I felt was plenty) but no...he explained that he applied this time last year ready for September and now is definitely the time to start watching NHS Jobs. So am registered to attend two career open days (one in this area and another in the South West) so really need to start preparing my questions and reading through the values of each trust to understand what each hospital's 'goals' are. I also have absolutely no idea which idea I want to work in (I'm not the only one) so have the luxury of seeing what is out there and going from there.

I also was able to attend a meeting last Friday involving lecturers, other student representatives and the area NHS Trust. In terms of passing on words of wisdom for new students or those interviewing is take a look at the NHS Constitution and the 6 'C's, they will be mentioned more and more so it is good to be at least aware of them. You may also hear in the first year of study about the opportunity to become a care maker, and you can find more information here. I know I have mentioned it before but it is a really good idea to stay aware of the changes and going on's in the NHS and healthcare in the UK, as it will prove beneficial during both study and applying for jobs. Depending on how driven you are or how much you want to take from your time at the university, you may want to become a representative for your class or take up various other opportunities that arise. I see each as an opportunity that I will not have again, although I accept not everyone feels this way!

Well that is my wittering for this week. I have lectures three days this week, so I am hoping my next post will be one of relief at having cracked on with my work! Fingers crossed!

Em x

Ps on a random note, a lot of us bought this book before starting the course which came in handy to give you an idea of what you will face during your three years study. Can be found on Amazon and probably other locations/shops :)