Welcome to the end of the weekend...how have your been? Busy? Back at college in the morning or work? And how was your weekend?

I've just got back from a weekend up North and we made it...26.6miles walk complete along Hadrian's Wall and it definitely was a challenge. One of the other girls I was with experienced quite a bit of pain but kept on going and we got to the end of the trek together and managed to raise around £800. My legs are extremely stiff today and I have a long shift tomorrow so I'm hoping that regular ibuprofen and muscle rub will keep me moving!
The week ahead is looking good though. Am only in for two long shifts tomorrow and Thursday which gives me a couple of days to tidy up my degree project and hopefully get it bound and submitted on Friday. The weekend will hopefully be spent writing up a plan to my next essay to get some support and then I can get started on that. I never used to submit plans of essays beforehand, but was encouraged to do so by a lecturer a while ago and it really has helped to keep me on track. I emailed the lecturer in charge of the unit for the next essay with two topic suggestions and received some really good feedback, along with the offer that if I put together a plan she would happily advise me on any key points before I start to write it. If you do end up going to the UoB, make sure you make the most of your lecturers. The unit information tends to state that you need to submit plans a minimum of a couple of weeks before the essay is due, but it is worth it as I have known on a few occasions students to submit a very well written essay but receive low marks or even a fail due to going completely off topic so lecturer advice can hopefully reduce this risk!
When you are on placement, a support (link) lecturer usually visits the hospital on a weekly basis, so if you need any help or advise regarding placement, they are always available. We also can attend a monthly student forum at the hospital giving us the opportunity to raise issues and have an hour of teaching from a member of the hospital staff (it was the blood transfusion nurse on this occasion). We were told that the jobs for the Luton & Dunstable hospital are now up on the NHS Jobs website for those qualifying in September, so there is a general buzz of excitement and anticipation amongst the students. The link for the advert can be found by clicking here, and it may be worth a look just to get some idea of what they tend to look for. As seen in the advert that despite being a public advert, they aim it at the UoB students only which was definitely a course selling point for applying to this course!
Right, I best be off as will be up early and may fall asleep on this keyboard otherwise! Hope you all have a nice week!
Em x
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