As you will know from last week's post, I was anxiously awaiting my OSCE results as I had a gut feeling that I had failed. I hadn't felt that way throughout any of the course and on Monday somebody told me that the results were available at university. I jumped in the car and tried to have 'optimistic' songs in the car (don't laugh!)...something upbeat just to distract me from thinking about the result. I went to reception and handed over my ID to collect my results and the wait felt like forever. Even though I had told my mum that I wanted the results asap just to know, I was convinced I would be retaking in the summer. Then the result was handed to me...

An A? An A! How??? I was prepared to be over the moon for a D just to pass, I had written off any hopes of a 2:1 or even the possibility of a 1st but an A? I looked at the feedback and it was good! As none of us were sure of exactly which areas we were being assessed on, it was very early to assume the worse as things had been missed and we weren't sure whether these things were detrimental in terms of marking. I really was such a happy was my partner who laughed at the fact I had been in such a state about it. I deserved that!

Well that's me for the week...pretty dull. I have three weeks until I see my other half but my thought is that if I keep my head down and focus on my study I will get the reward of spending a week off with him over spring leave. Well...he gets the reward as I'll be taking him away for a birthday getaway and putting my hand to a Chinese buffet...maybe the two years at catering college could come in handy for once!

Anyway, I shall leave you to your evenings, but please feel free to say hey and let me know what is happening in your worlds, as mine is rather dull and repetitive at the moment! Has anyone else been watching the Student Nurses program on ITV (bedpans and bandages)? Let me know what you reckon!
Chat next week!
Em x
(P.S. received my written offer of employment in the post today and very keenly signed and returned it! I will still be attending the careers fair next Thursday and will let you know how it goes. Will also try to give you a few comments from other students on how they found the meeting potential employers as I do not have to worry about that bit but the majority of students will be)
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