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Happy Weekend all!
Hi everyone and welcome back!
Well, what has happened in the last week. Firstly I got my grade back for my presentation-B. Am happy with that and am still on track for a 2:1 or with any luck a First with Honours degree (here's hoping anyway!).
I have spent the past week on and off revising my impending exam which is this coming Monday. This will be the last time I see everyone from uni (apart from around the hospital) until September when we go in to complete our nursing PIN paperwork to get onto the nursing register to work.
I popped in to visit my placement earlier in the week. I like to do this just to get a feel of the area and to know basic things such as where the staff toilets are, where I can get changed etc. I got to meet my main mentor on the ward who will be hopefully signing me as competent to become a nurse at the end of my placement and she was lovely. Due to staff availability I am hoping to work two early shifts next week before my spring leave, so will hopefully be able to tell you how the days went in my next post.
I attended the nursing careers day at the Park Square campus on Thursday, and did find it very useful. The morning consisted of talks given by various people including the careers team at the university, a recruitment member from one of the trusts and two nurses who have qualified in the past 6-18months. We were able to ask questions which a lot of people did. We were then told that in the afternoon a number of trusts and recruiters (for example, army, navy, RAF) would be holding recruitment stalls to find out more information about working for them and positions they may be offering. After a trip to the pub for a spot of lunch we wondered over and part of me did feel a pang of disappointment that I couldn't really join in. As I already have a job lined up I stayed out of the way as to not block opportunities for other students and caught up with my mates to see how the networking was going for them. It wasn't just trusts from the direct area but also as far as Oxford and London. The university had also organised for a number of talks to be held throughout the afternoon for more specific information from particular recruiters.
Back on the topic of revising, I am starting to find it a challenge to be in and out of different pieces of work constantly. You finish one thing and then automatically need to start on another. I don't mind revising for things like exams but know next week following the exam I will have two days of working on placement followed by a week of trying to complete a draft of my degree project. I find it difficult to complete written work when other things are on such as placement, so really need to motivate myself to get as much done before I commence full time hours in April. I also am very much an 'all or nothing' sort of person, by which I mean I can spend 2hours doing absolutely nothing and getting frustrated at my laptop but then another day I can write solidly for 8hours. Hoping for the latter next week!
So that's me really. I managed two 2-3hr walks last week in preparation for my 26mile charity walk that is in just 7weeks (placement were lovely and have allowed me the 3days off to take part in this). Even if I was not du
e to do the walk I think now I would still make time to exercise as it forces me to get away from study and clear my head (not forgetting it tires your body to aid better sleep!).
Hope all of your weeks have been all that you wanted from them, and are all working towards something that you are looking forward to. My motivator is still my week away to the seaside in just under two weeks to visit my partner, but I must earn it first sadly! (whereas he is currently enjoying a long weekend with friends, food and alcohol)
See you next week!
Em x
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