Thursday, 3 April 2014

Fairwell to a tedious week...hello time off!

Evening All!

Well I would love to say that my planned study week went according to plan, but unfortunately it was quite the opposite!

I have spent five days staring at my laptop hoping for the words to come. I have a plan of the work, pages of notes, extracts from books and a collection of policies and guidelines but still I have not been able to write anything other than an introduction and some notes as to what I will roughly be writing about.

I was so determined to have a draft completed by today but sadly things don't always go to plan. But all I can do is accept that I will need to put more hours in when I get back next week. I'm setting off to visit my partner tomorrow in Somerset (he has probably forgotten who I am after 5weeks apart!). A weekend of cooking and a trip away should help me to switch off from my study!

I managed to get out for a training walk today in prep for our Hadrian's Wall trek...the idea of it being only 5weeks until we walk 26miles with many ups and downs is quite worrying...others seem to be fitting in two or three 12mile walks a week so we are a little (a lot) behind!

Anyway, it has unfortunately been a dull week in terms of updating you, so I apologise! I'm assuming that the exam results will be back in the following few weeks so will keep you posted.

I hope you have had a far more interesting week than me! Hope life is treating you well :)

Em x

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