Morning Everyone!
After a soggy week in Luton the sun has finally decided to make an appearance, so I am trying to face the other way and get on with this final essay (yes...the same one I said I really needed to start previously!). I'm trying to tell myself that by writing this blog it may get me into the typing mood, but it could also be seen as procrastination.

The past week hasn't really involved anything new. I had my shifts in the hospital, which included one morning working with a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). It involved observation of various clinics in which bad news was broken to patients. I had wanted to sit in on these to see the role of the nurse in these highly emotional situations, and what support I could offer people by adapting to their needs. One thing I have never really had the answer to over my three years of study is whether you can show emotions to a patient in certain circumstances. I don't mean breaking down and crying with them, but there is a fine line somewhere between appearing cold and clinical and being too emotional, and finding that middle ground can be difficult. It is hard to sit and talk to a patient and/or their family without it occasionally really getting to you, and this is why reflections and gaining support from the workplace and even the university is essential.

In relation to this blog title I have been thinking over the last week about whether I should start applying for alternative jobs following the course finishing. As previously mentioned I was offered a job back in February, but despite being offered a job with that particular Trust I am still waiting to get a call to offer me an exact location of work. There are two hospitals within a 25minute driving commute, but others could take up to an hour to get to. So now I am left I apply for alternative work in case I am only offered hospitals that are too far to commute, but then am also left with the dilemma of being offered a job at one and needing to turn the other down after possibly accepting the job. Either way I have tried to be organised by contacting my two potential referees; my current mentor who is happy to do this and my personal lecturer at the university who has been helpful by offering to draft up a reference now and adapt depending on who contacts her. I guess it is a 'wait and see' situation now, I may let fate decide!
Well that is me for another week. I will be playing with research for my essay this afternoon, then have six days off in a row next week to sit and write. I am sacrificing one of the days off to see my partner as if I am moving in with him in September I should really start to get used to seeing him more than once a month!
Hope you are all well and counting down to summer like me!
Talk to you next week
Em x
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