Well here is the post I feel I have been counting down to all year...my studies are over! I completed the last of my placement hours on Thursday and got the last of my skills signed off for submission. I passed my final essay (naff grade for me but I am rather ecstatic with a pass at this point!) and submitted the last few bits of work into University yesterday morning. I also met with my Personal Lecturer on Wednesday
to go through my work and grades and to discuss how I have done, including her taking some notes in order to write a reference for me.

I'm feeling a little 'between two worlds' at the moment. My last shift in which I had been focussing on for three years and having all of my work due in came...and went. I have been so focussed on the final day I did not contemplate what would happen after this point. My partner asked me the other day when I would be officially moving in with him and I did not have a clue. I have only ever been in a relationship with him as a student, so I am trying to get my head around no more countdowns....my future is now!
Three years ago, I had been counting down to starting at the University of Bedfordshire. I remember arriving on the first day and sitting at our Induction at Park Square looking around wondering who to start up a conversation with. I remember thinking how long three years would be, and how I would be 29years old when I finished. I remember feeling like I would find it difficult to adapt back to study mode after 8years of full time working. Year One passed, Year Two arrived. I then remember thinking how long another two years would be of study, then when Year Three began last year it hit me...I'm a Third Year student and expected to know things! This year really has been the quickest of them all. Despite having quite a lot on this year with essays, our equivalent of a dissertation, an exam, an OSCE and full time working hours at the hospital; it made things fly by.
Today I spent my day being what I call normal (others may deem 'dull'). I did the food shopping, sorted lunch and did my ironing. I emptied a cupboard to start throwing things away before relocating, and continued selling things on eBay. The main thing was it felt amazingly refreshing to just do normal things. I got to catch up with my mum and sit out in the sunshine, all things I used to take for granted until I did not have the time with study. Now all of the work is in I feel absolutely fantastic with a sense of achievement. It has felt like such a long journey but I've done it! We have a date to come back in in September to sign onto the nursing register, and our Graduation will full at the end of November.

It has been hard work, but I think because of this I feel that I have achieved so much more than I had expected of myself, and also that I have earned this summer off!
Well, I best get packing. Will catch up next week after camping and Thorpe Park ;)
Em x
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