Friday, 20 February 2015


Beware of Syler!
Let it be known, if I fail my degree, it is all because of Netflix.  My latest obsession is the 2006 hit show, Heroes.  Most of the time I have been completely lost as it jumps around in time and location but it got me thinking about the notion of heroes.

We all can think of at least one person who has inspired us, someone who we consider to be a hero.  Be it a prominent person from history, a family member, a friend or a teacher.  The most recent person who has inspired me was a community midwife: my mentor on my first ever placement.  She was so knowledgeable, calm, kind and passionate - every day I was able to work with her was an honour.  I couldn’t imagine I would ever be able to advise and support women with the skill she possessed.  She was born to be a midwife.

In my humble opinion, all midwives are heroes.  We enter women’s lives at a monumental time, often
Our new uniform policy
when women are extremely vulnerable.  With the skills and knowledge we have at our fingertips we bring new life into the world, encourage, comfort and educate.  Even though we don’t wear our pants on top of our trousers, women will always remember how we made them feel and the care we gave them.  We are trusted to be advocates for women and their babies and to have this responsibility is a privilege.

So, I have concluded, we don’t necessarily need to have super powers to be super heroes.  See you next week!

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