Friday, 12 June 2015


What do midwives actually do?
My final year has gone by in a flash.  Back in September, the year stretched ahead of me; a dissertation to write and 26 babies to ‘catch’.  Now that I am near the finish line (dissertation handed in, only 5 babies left) I find myself reflecting on the year that has gone and considering everything I have experienced.  This year has been about consolidation of our training so far, but I have also realised how much I still have left to learn.  Being a final year student is a balancing act between becoming an independent practitioner and not running before you can walk.  Whilst it is vital that you learn the clinical skills necessary to give excellent care, it is equally important to discover who you

Although there have been times and situations which challenge me, I have also had the most incredible year.  I was privileged enough to be present at a homebirth - an event which reaffirmed for me that all the hard work and stress is worth it.  It is such an honour to be present when a couple become a family for the first time, and this was even more poignant when it is in their own home.
are as a midwife and this has been something we have focused on this year.

See if you can spot me on TV!
I was also asked to represent the student midwives when the hospital Trust where invited to the live recording of Sunday Night at the Palladium.  It was a great night, full of singers, dancers, comedians and variety acts hosted by Jimmy Carr.  My favourite was the cast of Beautiful who performed some songs from the musical.

Another massive and humbling honour was being nominated for ‘Student Midwife of the Year’ at our Trust.  I am still struggling to think what I have done to deserve the nomination but it is something I will always treasure.

My final highlight is something which every final year student relishes – handing in the dissertation!  I never thought I had 10,000 words in me!  I must say, it looked very professional once it was printed and bound, I was almost sad it just drop it into the assignment box  Almost.

There is no rest for the wicked however; I still have a few assignments and assessments to go before I breathe a real sigh of relief and can put my feet up.  I think this has been one of the biggest challenges for this year, maintaining stamina.  There is so much to juggle when you are a student midwife, I look forward to the day when I can go to work and not come home to write an essay!  All I will have to think about then is the massive responsibility I have as a midwife.  That’s ‘all’!  It’s a good thing I have such an amazing support network of friends, family and colleagues around me.  And pictures like this to make me smile....
I lol'd for approx 10 minutes!
See you next week!

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